Terms of Reference
SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group is a pan-Canadian network of philanthropic and government funders initiated in 2022. The SOGI (Sexual Orientation Gender Identity) group supports efforts to strengthen collaboration, provides a forum for knowledge exchange, and helps members maximize their impact in supporting the 2SLGBTQi+ community.
Share information and lessons learned regarding funding strategies, tools, and approaches, as well as new or ongoing initiatives in the sector
Foster opportunities for collaboration among funders and the sector as a whole
Create collective learning opportunities about strategic issues and topics of interest for
Build relationships between funders and expand networks
Mobilize partnerships to improve support to 2SLGBTQi+ communities across all intersectionalities
The SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group is a collaborative comprised of members (see membership section below) working across sectors. The group is guided by a Steering Committee (SC), which serves as the central decision-making body, along with the leadership and facilitation of the SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group Chair. (See Appendix 1 for Roles)
The SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group comprises representatives from Canadian-based philanthropic funders (private, family, public, individual, and corporate) and governments that have a particular interest in funding charities supporting 2SLGBTQi+ communities, both within and outside Canada.
SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group initiatives
Members bring and are expected to share, experience and knowledge of their respective organizations, funding priorities and/or their understanding of the issues related to 2SLGBTQi+ policy, programs, research, etc., as appropriate and within their capacity.
SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group membership includes access to the following:
SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group member contact list
Quarterly gatherings, including at least one yearly in-person gathering and networking opportunity, which typically coincides with the Philanthropic Foundations of Canada (PFC) or the Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) national event
Member communications (e.g., upcoming events; sharing opportunities; items of interest)
Member surveys / potential collection of disaggregated demographic information
Additional webinars and/or in-person meetings may be organized by the SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group members, with invitations extended to individual members.
Members are asked to identify at least one consistent contact/representative from their organization, SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group offerings are open to all staff and board members of a member organization, as long as they are aware of the responsibilities of members and commit to the Collaboration and Non-Solicitation Policy.
While members are not required to attend learning webinars, meetings or events, the ideal member is committed to learning via this group and prioritizes these opportunities wherever possible.
All SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group members must have a history of funding charities supporting the 2SLGBTQi+ community (across any sector) or an interest in funding such charities. Members are required to align to the Collaboration and Non-Solicitation Agreement.
To join, prospective members should fill in a form to express their interest and current or prospective involvement in the sector and their rationale for wanting to join the group. Interest in joining will first be vetted by the SC within two weeks. If the organization is in scope of the group, they will become a member of the SOGI Funder’s Affinity Group.
Communications Protocol
Member contact information, webinar recordings, and communications among members, including information shared during meetings, will not be shared outside the SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group membership, except as may be agreed by the membership.
Membership Fee
There is currently no membership fee.
Amendment to these Terms of Reference
These Terms of Reference may be revised by a majority vote of the membership.
Collaboration and Non-Solicitation Policy
One of the primary strengths and benefits of SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group membership is the ability to network and, in some cases, collaborate to improve the sector. Collaboration takes place both formally and informally. Members are encouraged to reach out to other members with similar interests.
By working together, members can achieve greater impact.
Members may approach other members to fund projects collaboratively and act as administrators and treasurers of funds received from other members for projects of mutual interest. In both these cases, the funding must ultimately be transferred to one or more outside organizations (and cannot be used to run any member’s own programs). Access to the 2SLGBTQi+ Funders’ Affinity Group membership is a privilege and is not to be used for open-ended solicitation for business purposes or fundraising for any members’ own organization.
All members agree with and will adhere to the above statement, ensuring all members of our organization will also adhere to this policy.
Appendix 1
SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group
Roles and Responsibilities
Steering Committee
The SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group Steering Committee (SC) is the central advisory body for decision-making. The SC comprises 3-4 volunteer representatives, who meet four to six times a year, or as needed. Future SC members will be elected by the membership at large. The Chair will be a member of the Steering Committee.
Effective January 1, 2023, SC members serve two or three-year terms.
The Chair is chosen by the SC from the SC membership and also serves at least two-year terms.
SC members, including the Chair, can have their terms renewed for an additional two years, if interested, pending approval by the membership at large In addition, once terms limits are exhausted, one year must pass to be eligible again unless agreed to by the membership at large.
The current members of the Chair & SC are:
The Sonor Foundation – Chair (3-year) - Narinder Dhami
WES Maria Assef Fund – Steering Committee (2-year) - Nomzana Augustin
KM Hunter Charitable Foundation – Steering Committee (2-year) - Sarah Hunter
The Stollery Charitable Foundation – Steering Committee (2-year) - Doug Stollery
Overall Responsibilities of the SC:
Developing the annual topics and schedule for learning and sharing sessions
Approving/prioritizing learning topics brought to attention of the SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group Steering Committee
Keeping up to date on current issues and trends related to the 2SLGBTQi+ communities, nationally and internationally
Approving the agenda for learning sessions and in-person meetings
Vetting and approving/sharing new membership applications
Outreach and engagement with potential members, as appropriate
Making decisions on registrations for membership
Facilitating and encouraging the flow of communication between all members
Specific Responsibilities of the Chair:
Leading the SC members in their responsibilities on the SC
Guiding the strategic direction of the SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group, in partnership with the SC
Determining the SC agenda and supporting meetings and gathering logistics
Working with other SC members to support and further the overall goals of the SOGI Funders’ Affinity Group