StepStones for Youth is a registered charitable organization in Toronto in operation since 2004. They employ preventative intervention programs for vulnerable children and youth aged 10-26 who have been involved in Ontario’s Child Protection Services. Their intended objectives for children and youth are to create positive and meaningful connections; increase their sense of belonging; increase school engagement, high school graduation, and post-secondary enrollment; and increase stable housing and mental and physical health.
The experience of young people in foster care is often that the only people they can count on are those who are paid to take care of them. These children and youth are not able to develop healthy relationships, self-esteem and confidence, or trust in adults and social systems. Due to frequent moves between placements and schools, they experience ongoing instability and unpredictability which often leads to increased anxiety and exacerbates previous post-traumatic stress. Furthermore, this vulnerable population lacks the consistent adults and caregivers they require at this critical developmental stage therefore it was incredibly crucial for StepStones to create a route where children can receive the care and support they deserve.
StepStones’ Safe at Home Project connects children and youth with kith, kin, and community allies who provide long-term, stable home environments and unconditional care and support. This is done through ‘Connection Coordinators’ who assist young people in identifying 100 adults in one month with whom they have pre-existing relationships such as extended family members or neighbours and mentors. From these, individuals who can provide a long-term housing solution are identified and the young person moves in with them. The parent/caregiver, young person, and newly established support network are fully supported for a subsequent 1-2 years in the Connection Retention Program. StepStones’ innovative and evidenced-based Safe at Home Project creates transformative outcomes in the lives of young people from the child welfare system.
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“Young people need to have individuals in their lives who care about them and guide them through life choices. These should not only be people who are paid to take care of them, but adults who genuinely care about them and want to support them. Young people from the child welfare system deserve the same love and care as children and youth who have families and support systems.”